Linkaja Communication Center, Innovative and Official Information Center
As a large company, PET Fintak Karia Swingara provides linkaja communication center services to all owners. This is an important service to reach a wider community and in a short time as an updated and official information center, you can get information according to your needs.
To register as a LinkAJA carrier, a variety of processes and requirements are too long. As a modern financial institution using the latest technology data is very important to facilitate transactions but still has the security of data holders ahead.
You don’t have to worry if you need personal data needs to connect to the link service. Because the property is still being considered by keeping the data security system from stealing data. Considering that the registration process must use personal data as the main condition.
It is very important to see what way to connect to the Contact Center. The many ways that are provided make you feel safer and safer if there are obstacles at any time. This includes requesting CS for important information directly to feel secure while using it.
Services provided by LinkAJA and its types
Linkaja is an electronic financial service run by PT Fintak Karia Swingata or known as Finaria We have the action, i.e. as a tool to pay for various transactions that have been declared legitimate. The system is that cash is first assigned to the Finaria account and then transactions can be used at the same value.
Any money that goes into a personal account, such as bank financial institutions, is not a payment or savings. So never wait for any benefit on the money you paid. This service is registered and supervised by the Bank of Indonesia and you can contact the Linkaja Contact Center if it is not clear.
Finaria records one account number for only one phone number or vice versa. You can’t create two different accounts even if you use another phone number. So you can be assured that there are no double accounts of the same person that someone can save only once.
There are two types of Finaria services provided for carriers, the first primary service for new owners. You can use the service facility to top your balance, pay transactions and pay for bills. There are also several other facilities, of course, approved or based on the consent of the Bank of Indonesia.
Other types of services can be used by LinkAja holders, i.e. Full Service, which is much more complete, such as:
- Saihrhoohi Bagansha
- Parhadani Mama Hakan
- Parhadani Psoke
- Drawer I wish
- Donna Say-azio
- spending funds for the third party
- Other facilities based on BIA approval
If you feel unclear about service information, you can contact the LinkCall Center directly. Get the information you need, especially if you are new and want to register directly in Finaria. Make any information available clearer that you are actually creating an account.
Howto enable new folder links
All who want to use the LinkAJA service must first act. The activation will be completed because one account is only for one phone number and one person. Here’s how to activate the terms for the registration process and the terms must be understood by new users.
- I am not going to be in Hagshti
There are prosecutors you need to see and be asked directly at the LinkAja Call Center. Such as using a phone number, it must still be active or not blocked from the provider network. Activating the various media that are selected and the process is now much easier.
- Registration Process
Owners who have not saved data will be included in the Basic Service Category with multiple facilities obtained. After signing up, you can access full service but must pass through the struggle. There are documents that must be sent as a condition to enjoy Finaria’s services.
- Mehrejah Kani Vinaria
Finaria reserves the right to refuse requests for new records, upgrades for any lawyer or any reason. Forgive all requests for any connection to the cancellation or rejection process. This has become a finaria provider and is still being reaffirmed by the carrier for bilateral comfort
InfOrmas service provided by LinkAJA toholders
Linkaja deliberately provides Linkaja Communications Center services to its carriers to provide the best service. As a professional company that cares about inserting, criticizing and disclosing information. It is not surprising to use CS services so that you can obtain information or file complaints safely.
- Written by e-mail
You can send a written message to LinkAJA literaryly and clearly deliver what you want. Just send to the email address because the service is open 24 hours. Don’t forget to attach the holder data to be answered by the administrator as soon as possible and provide a clear topic.
- Chat’s direct service on the website
There are also services through the website, i.e. chat directly available on the main page and at the bottom right. Note that there is a small box that says it will talk to an expert, and then just click it. Enter the first name, last name, email, and mobile number data, and then you can start a chat.
- By phone.
Information from the LinkAJA Call Center can be made using a phone call. Please call the 150911 number for all users in Indonesia during work or office hours. There are fees that must be paid at a local rate based on a specific operator.
- Different styles
Another way to use it is to take advantage of the LinkAJA service point that spreads throughout Indonesia. And just come to the Digital Financial Service Partnership (LKD) to get complete information. It is difficult to find because the service has already been released and can be used freely by carriers.
Items in linkaja information service response
Linkaja is always open to questions, complaints and various other things about the service. However, because the number of carriers has so far grown throughout Indonesia. To enter a lot of questions and complaints so that there are conditions for submitting an answer.
All questions, complaints, or complaints do not receive answers at the LinkAJA Contact Center because it contains items. Finaria will explain the information as a administrator because it only accepts link holders. In addition, there is a rejection if it does not match the previous holder data.
Finaria investigates complaints filed through CSServices, or by phone, e-mail, direct talk or others. The complaintis usually filed within more than 2 weeks. If you do not receive any answers to questions, complaints or complaints, you can make sure they are rejected.
Linkaja is an electronic financial service that is very popular among people in Indonesia Services like this are widely used because they are considered to provide comfort and still care about the security of transactions. There is also a LinkAJA connection center that makes carriers more comfortable with finding information provided in a variety of ways.