PLN Call Center Service: Detailed Information and Benefits
PLN Call Center Service: Detailed Information and Benefits

PLN Call Center Service: Detailed Information and Benefits


Like other state-owned enterprises, the State Electricity Company or abbreviated as PLN provides PLN call center services.  This service will help customers regarding transactions, electricity tariffs, installation of electricity tokens, and several other types of complaints. As a good consumer, you need to know the detailed information.

The state electricity company is the only company in Indonesia that sells electricity to the public. This is why PLN is part of a very large state-owned enterprise in Indonesia. Without the presence of this company, regional areas in Indonesia will not be able to feel comfortable activities at night.

It has been around for many years, PLN has always prioritized customer satisfaction as an evaluation of the company. The better the assessment given by the customer, the better the performance value of the employee. This reason makes PLN continuously make useful innovations.

One type of innovation that is useful and issued by PLN is the PLN call center service. The presence of the service becomes a forum for aspirations for customers to convey complaints, criticisms, suggestions, and desires for the addition of new power lines.

The service is also continuously undergoing performance evaluations to improve the quality provided. This is because PLN’s great achievements are very visible in terms of consumers providing good value, then bills in accordance with the nominal electricity used, and the accuracy of the information received by customers in accordance with the instructions.
Not only innovating in the form of services, PLN employees also always experience performance evaluations. This is made not to disappoint customers who have entrusted this company. Get to know the detailed information related to PLN services to become a wise citizen.

What is PLN Call Center Service?

As the only state-owned company that sells electricity to the people of Indonesia. This makes every Indonesian citizen cannot be separated from the presence of PLN. No wonder if this company must have the means to stay connected to customers every time there is a problem experienced by customers.

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Serving the community by always being ready to listen to complaints so that finally this company issued a service called PLN call center. This service is better known as PLN 123. This is because the official number of PLN call center is 123. This number belongs to the category of easy to memorize.

As a community that uses these services, then you can contact the service for 24 hours. The maximum service provided aims that whenever the community wants to submit their complaints, PLN will be quickly and responsive in providing solutions.

Call centers are also created to increase the level of customer satisfaction with companies that sell electrical products. Not only limited to complaints related to transactions, bills, and also outages, you can also contact to be given the installation of a new electrical connection and also make changes in electrical power.

How to Contact PLN Call Center

After knowing the number of the PLN call center, then you also have to know how to contact PLN. You can use a smartphone or a pay phone. The call center number used remains the same, which is 123 for either smartphones or public phones.

But if you use a smartphone then there is an additional number that is adjusted to the code of the area where you live. If you are currently in the city of Jakarta then before 123 you must enter the area code that is 021 so that the number to be entered is 021123.

Furthermore, if you want to contact PLN call center, then find out in advance the area code for your area. But unfortunately every phone connection you use then you will be charged. Therefore, you must make sure that your credit is enough when you want to call PLN.

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Based on testimonials from customers who have used these services, the services provided are very good. The information conveyed also uses language that is easy to understand. Some problems are also quickly given solutions, but for more complicated problems it will take one to two days.

Call center PLN is here to straighten out some of the information that is confused. In this day and age, hoax information is very quickly distributed. Therefore, it is very important to ensure to legitimate and trusted parties. Being a user of these services, you have to be wiser.

Benefits of PLN Call Center

As mentioned earlier, PLN 123 service provides many benefits. Try to get closer to the user through being ready to listen to complaints and subsequently take appropriate action. This is to reduce customer worry due to problems that occur.

The first benefit is that PLN call center strives to keep providing the most accurate information and not misleading. Furthermore, any complaints given will be responded to as soon as possible so that customers remain comfortable in using the services of the country’s electricity company.

In addition, you can also report irregularities to PLN who work in your home area. Report if the bill provided is unreasonable. The service will be ready to receive information and evaluate the performance of implementers working in your area.

You can also call asking questions related to promos held by PLN call center. PLN will not hesitate to provide information related to what promos are ongoing. The information is very accurate and you can use it if you feel needed and profitable.

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Online Services Available at PLN

In addition to the call center number that can be contacted via mobile phone or public phone, you can also contact PLN 123 service by using social media. This is if you are not likely to charge enough credit to submit a complaint via phone.

Pln’s first online call center  service is that you can submit any type of complaint through PLN’s official social media such as twitter and facebook. The submission of this complaint is free aka free of charge. It only requires an internet connection connected to your smartphone.

Pln’s official twitter social media account is @pln_123, you can submit a complaint via dm or mention. However we recommend using dm because it avoids words that are used too short when conveying through mentions. The official pln facebook account is PLN 123.

Furthermore, you can submit a complaint officially through an email or official email owned by pln. The official email address used by the country’s power companies is Service 123 is always related to the numbers listed.

Over time, PLN also launched an application called PLN Mobile which can be downloaded for free on your smartphone. Not only can you submit a complaint, you can also enjoy some of the facilities provided such as purchase bills and electricity token transaction history.

You can also contact through PLN’s official website, namely The ease provided to always improve the quality of the performance of this company. This is done so that every customer feels satisfied and not harmed. With the presence of PLN call center makes the community more quickly heard complaints and problems.

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