Pay attention to the hygiene of food items : Jagad

West Javanese Chicken Oppo Recipe at Jamin Enak

Having a delicious soup taste makes people want to make chicken opers from West Java, so that the results of your food get the same taste Try the typical West Javanese Chicken Oppo recipe  that will be explained in this article|

West Java is a storehouse of delicious food that is effective in increasing appetite| Apart from its beautiful views, it looks like West Java contains a variety of foods, one of which is chicken oppor | It is very common for this dish to be served during eid al-Fitr celebrations in general|

However, nowadays many people serve chicken oper on weekdays as the staple food| Well, if you are interested in making processed foods made from chicken, then you  | need to know the recipe for West Javanese Chicken Oppo but before that, know tips in advance to choose good food items|

Tips for choosing good food items

Making your own food at home is a way to maintain health| Now there are a lot of foods outside that do not guarantee cleanliness. Of course it can have a bad effect on your health and your family| Open it up after you feel full and delicious even the abdominal pain that comes as the food is not clean|

In order to make food at home, there are also many things that you need to pay attention to, namely in terms of food ingredients| Health issues can also come from your own cuisine due to choosing the wrong ingredients with good quality| So know the tips for selecting food items|

  1. Select for fresh vegetables

The first tip is that you need to pick vegetables with good quality when choosing food ingredients from vegetables| The vegetable is still fresh to see or cannot be seen from its colour and in part avoids rotting|


  1. Focus on selecting chicken meat

To make chicken oppor with a typical West Javanese chicken oppo recipe, chicken meat selection needs to be very careful | choose meat with a fresh or no rancid smell, tecture chewed meat, no amount of water, and the color of the meat is not pale|

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  1. Pay attention to seasoning selections

Seasons are important to improve the taste of food| Pick spices with good quality and no white patches| The white patches in the seasoning may indicate that the spices are of poor quality because the spots are molded|


  1. Pay attention to the hygiene of food items

The last thing you need to pay attention to is the cleanliness of the material| Wash the groceries using warm water first. Make sure that groceries are not stored in places that are not clean, store them in refrigerators so that the quality of food ingredients can be maintained to maintain.

West Jugnese Chicken Oppo Recipe

Chicken oppor is a processed food that is loved by all circles| Processed food from a combination of chicken meat flavor and delicious soup mixed with coconut milk will make everyone who eats it feel a mix of special and delicious food|

Almost all areas have a variety of chicken oppo dishes, including West Java| It’s almost west Java’s cold air temperature so this chicken oppo is very suitable for heating the body| If you want to make this dish, here’s a recipe for The West Javanese Chicken Oppor for 4  servings|

Ingredients that need to be prepared:

  1. Chicken meat adapts to a kilogram or need|
  2. Moderate water.
  3. 350 ml thick coconut milk and 450 ml of liquid coconut milk.
  4. Make bay leaves with orange leaves|
  5. One stalk of lemongrass and galangal that is gepreked|
  6. Sugar is also | along with salt to taste.
  7. White, pecan, coriander, nutmeg, ginger, and turmeric with the fine spices of onions |

How to make a typical West Javanese Chicken Oppo recipe:

The first step is to wash the meat in advance and wash the other ingredients thoroughly| By washing all the ingredients first, you can keep the quality of the food properly and of course healthy| Make sure you wash it off using warm water.

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Boil the chicken first and then throw away the boiled water| Next time, stir the spices until they spread the aromatic scent that is causing hunger| The prepared fine spices are then sauted, then put in the water, chicken meat, and other ingredients and then let it boil| After boiling, the chicken oppo is ready to be served|

Recipes to supplement plastic rice cakes with chicken oppo

Making  processed chicken oppor with a typical West Javanese chicken oppo recipe is not complete if there is no rice cake  | Lontong is a dish you have to enjoy the delicious and delicious taste of chicken oppers | just this time to make it easier and more cost-effective, let’s make this rice cake using plastic|

Oppor and rice cakes are integral alloys| Can make the taste of longtong oper more palatable and palatable| A lot of people fail when it comes to making this rice cake, so you need to know the right plastic rice cake recipe, here are the recipes|

Ingredients that need to be prepared:

  1. Adjust to one litre of rice or requirement|
  2. Plastic bags are 1/4th in size as per taste|

Mode of Production:

You need to wash the rice thoroughly until the dirt in the rice disappears| The cleanliness of rice is very important to maintain the quality of rice cake, so you need to pay attention to its cleanliness while washing the rice|

After the rice is cleaned, put it in plastic. The content of rice up to half plastic needs to be taken care of as it can be washed away later| In fact, for plastic size selection, it can be adjusted to your taste, but for maximum results, it is recommended to use a plastic size of 1/4.

Next time, tighten the plastic using wax. Simply tighten the tip as the rice will spread 2 times more times than before| After that, a plastic skewer uses as many toothpicks as possible so that water can easily penetrate so that it matures quickly|

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The last step is to put the rice cake ingredients in a pot that has been hot for five minutes, making sure that the water soaks up the entire rice cake material| Cook the rice cake ingredients for five minutes| After this, let the rice cake ingredients close the pan and stand| After that, Lontong is ready to serve|

Chicken Oppo’s deliciously enhancing sambal recipe

To make the taste of the West Javanese chicken oper recipe more delicious, you can add fried chili sauce| Adds to the taste of jam food Good chili sauce can also give you various health benefits such as controlling sugar levels, preventing anemia, increasing tension and more|

Sambal is a food supplement for Indonesians| So, so that your chicken oppo dish becomes more delicious and gets a variety of health benefits at the same time| Here’s a simple fried chili sauce recipe that you can try making at home|

Ingredients that need to be prepared:

  1. Curly chili and cayenne pepper.
  2. The roof.

Mode of Production:

How to make it a lot easier, you just need to grind the above ingredients using a cobec or blender, don’t need to use water to dilute chili sauce as tomatoes already have water content| If you want to add a spicy and slightly sweet taste, you can add white sugar to the taste|

Chicken oppor is a dish that has a delicious taste| The combination of chicken with coconut milk soup makes the taste of the food more different, apart from the addition that additional food supplements in the form of rice cake and chili sauce can increase your appetite| To make the flavour more palatable,  pay attention  to the west javanese chicken oppo recipe above  |

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