Contacting J&T’s social media accounts : Mp3Juiceit

How to use J  &T call center services very easily

Many do not know how  to use the services of the J&T call center.  Although customer service can be accessed non-stop for 24 hours. It can even be said that this is the most recommended expedition, and during the holidays it also still works. So it not only serves 24 hours a day, but also works without holidays.

J&T really doesn’t know the holidays even on public holidays, and weekends  still function as usual. So for those of you who have an online business, it seems that this may be the best solution so that the goods you buy and sell reach consumers easily, even if the transactions are made during the holidays.

J&T itself is an international company (which is engaged in the expeditionary sector, although it is headquartered in Jakarta, in the name of this company there are sorting warehouses in Semarang and Surabaya. As Indonesia’s youngest expeditionary service, J&T always strives for maximum service for the satisfaction of its customers.

So we have questions, suggestions or criticisms can be forwarded through customer service or J&T call centers.   For those of you who are still confused about contacting customer service through which media, you are in the right article because we will review it in detail.

Via the official J&T Expedition Hotline

Even at first, this one service could be accessed for free.  In 2018, the free hotline began to be abolished and replaced with a paid service, where the tariff depends on the tariff of the respective operator. So, you can call the hotline service at 021-8066-1888 as follows:

  1. Select the hotline number listed at 021-8066-1888
  2. After dialing the hotline number, you will be connected to the operator
  3. You can press extensions tailored to your needs

This one service is highly recommended because it is quite effective, where customers can communicate in both ways until a solution is found. So if you encounter any problems with the delivery or receipt of goods, you can contact the customer service of the hotline directly.

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This J&T call center also doesn’t have a vacation, so you can get in touch anytime you need it. In addition, it is also accessible for 24 hours non-stop, which makes it easier for customers to concept live. Contacting the call center through the hotline service is indeed more desirable than other methods.

Send an email to the expedition’s email address

In fact, there are many other ways to contact J&T besides the hotline service, where you have to pay a fee because the hotline is not free. One of them is to send an email so that you can pass on criticism recommendations or complaints in writing.

J&T also responds well to incoming emails so that you can send complaints, criticisms, or suggestions through email address. If you really decide to contact customer service through an email address, then pay attention to writing criticism about the suggestions or complaints you make.

Do not forget to fill the email subject with important points that you will forward, then you will weld it in detail to the body of the email. In case of problems or complaints, you should use the list system, because later it will make it easier for the J&T call center to handle the complaint.

Instead of writing paragraph by paragraph, you should write it as a list , so that the essence of the complaint can be clearly conveyed. Ifyou are in a long wind, there is usually a miscommunication, so you need to repeat what you want to convey, and of course it will take time, and obstacles will not be solved quickly.

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Contacting J&T’s social media accounts

In an increasingly complex era, it seems that there is no need to get confused if you want to contact the customer service of even a large company. In addition, all information can be easily obtained if you only need to surf  search engines or browsers using Internet media.

Nowadays, almost all large companies have their own social media accounts to promote their products to the public. If you run into complaints or problems, you just need to look for a social media account so that they can be easily communicated in a simpler way.

Similarly, with J&T, if you want to contact the J&T call center, but are limited because you have to spend a budget where the price is adjusted according to the provider used to call the hotline number, you can send dm or direct messages through J&T’s social media accounts.

Especially now that many people prefer data packets to call packages, so you can also contact the administrator through their social media. There are also many social media accounts these days, so look for more active social media accounts so they can connect easily.

You can connect for this expedition via Facebook account: J&T Express Indonesia, Instagram: @jntexpressid, Twitter: @jntexpressid, WeChat: @JTExpressID and Line: @jtexpressid. You are advised to get in touch through your Instagram account as it is more often online or active.

So not only through the hotline service, you can  visit the J&T  call center in a variety of ways, from sending emails or direct messages to J&T’s social media accounts.

Via J&T WhatsApp Number

If the above methods are still very complicated, for example,  your train is not active on social media or does not have an email address, there is another way that may be the last solution, namely, to contact a WhatsApp administrator or customer service. WhatsApp is an application that is used to communicate more often.

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Compared to other applications, it can be said that even WhatsApp replaces SMS, so you can contact the J&T call center  on whatsapp number +62811-8466-188.   You will be connected to customer service to chat in both ways, so it is the same as the hotline, where you can also find solutions related to the complaints you have submitted.

Customer service also wholeheartedly serves to ensure that suggestions, criticisms or complaints submitted by customers are quickly and responsively responded to. Thus, there is no need to worry, because various obstacles can be overcome properly, and the delivery or receipt of parcels proceeds smoothly as usual.

The most important thing is that when sending a parcel, make sure that it contains the correct and complete address along with the postal code. Also, be sure  to send the items neatly packed so that the goods are not easily damaged along the way, as usually  the J&T call center  has the most complaints from lovers of online stores.

Of the many complaints, many customers claimed that the package had not yet arrived. Then the wrong address or name and house number, as a result of which the goods will not reach their destination. Then incorrect packaging also leads to  easy damage, denting, breakage and others of the goods in it.

The advice to make delivery smooth and hassle-free is actually simple when you need to double-check the delivery address and destination name, whenever you ship items that are prone to damage, then give a warning sticker. So you and consumers don’t have to contact the J&T call center either  , as the delivery goes smoothly.

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